Anti-Library Bills in the Louisiana Legislature
Legislators take note of every call and email in opposition of each bill, which is why it is very important for you to email or call about EACH bill. Below you will find links for each bill, courtesty of Louisiana Citizens Against Censorship.
Stop HB 414 & HB 545
These bills are seeking solutions to problems that do not exist. There has been zero evidence that any school or public library in the state of Louisiana is breaking obscenity laws. What this bill does is open up the door for further harassment and continued attacks on librarians in our state.
Current Action for HB 414: Email committee members. You can complete the FORM HERE or email these committee members. Every email counts!
Status: Referred to the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice. No date set for hearing.
Current Action for HB 545: Contact YOUR legislator. If you do not know who your Representative is, visit THIS WEBSITE.
Status: HB 545 is scheduled for House floor debate on April 29.
Click HERE to learn more about HB414
Click HERE to learn more about HB 545
Stop HB 777
This bill is seeking a solution to a problem that does not exist. There has been zero evidence that the American Library Association has pushed a political agenda to Louisiana libraries or librarians. The ALA offers a wide range of services, including training, guidance, and professional development for librarians, but does not mandate training with political purposes in mind.
Status: HB 777 has been referred to the House Committee on Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs. No hearing has been set at this time.
Current Action: Email committee members. You can complete the FORM HERE or email these committee members. Every email counts!
Click HERE to learn more about HB 777.
Stop HB 974
Louisiana law requires relevant education and experience for a wide range of specialized supervisory positions. Doing so is both fiscally prudent and legislatively responsible, as it ensures that highly qualified and experienced individuals will protect our public institutions. Libraries are no different.
Status: HB 168 passed in the House Committee on Education AFTER it was deferred in the Committee of Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs. It is now called HB 974 and up for House floor debate/vote. No date has been set at this time.
Current Action: Contact YOUR legislator. If you do not know who your Representative is, visit THIS WEBSITE. Every email counts!
Click HERE to learn more about HB 168.
Stop HB 640 & HB 946
Allowing a parish governing authority the power to summarily 'take over' parish library systems, with the power over employees and materials development, is step down a slippery slope toward the dangerous road of totalitarianism, when only a single viewpoint is allowed, and other, less "desirable" viewpoints are outlawed.
Status: HB 640 and HB 946 have been referred to the House Committee on Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs. No hearing date has been set at this time.
Current Action: Email committee members. You can complete the FORM HERE or email these committee members. Every email counts!
Click HERE to learn more about HB 640 and HB 946
The LP Library Alliance is a partner of Louisiana Citizens Against Censorship and we have several projects in the works. If you would like to help us protect free speech in Louisiana, considering DONATING HERE.