Did you know you can show up at the legislative committee hearings? Below you will find tips on what to do. You can fill out a card to speak to the committee, OR you can fill out a card voicing opposition and choose not to speak. This requires you to show up and have your opposition noted in public record, but you do not have to speak out loud. Either is a good way to stand up for our public libraries. When it is time for these bills to be in committee, we will let you know, via our social media pages, if someone from LPLA will be there. We will set up a meeting point if you would like to join us on days we attend.
Speaking To the Legislature
Directions and Parking
Map/Inside the Capitol
Senate Schedules
House Schedules
Citizens Guide
Legislative Training Slides from 10,000 Women
Enter the Capitol through the main doors at the top of the steps or through side doors (ground level below the main steps) and proceed through security.
Please limit items that may set off a metal detector/x-ray machine or call for a detailed bag search (such as extra jewelery and large bags). This will delay your entry into the Capitol.
No weapons of any kind are allowed inside the Capitol building.
House committee meetings are held in Committee Rooms 1-6.
Rooms 1 & 2 are located in the ground floor in Bigby Hall.
Rooms 3-6 are located in Alario Hall down a set of steps at the end of Bigby An elevator is available.
Senate Committee Rooms A-B,C,E, and F are located on the ground floor in Duval Hall. Access to the John Hainkel Room is down a set of steps at the end of Duval Hall. An elevator is available.
You may not approach the desk to speak to committee.
Please place ALL cell phones and other electronic devices on vibrate. You may take phone calls in the hallway only, not in committee rooms.
Food and drinks are prohibited in committee hallways and committee.
Restrooms and vending machines are available near the committee room hallways in the foyer of the ground floor. Water fountains are available near the restrooms, as well as in Bigby Hall and in Duval Hall. Restrooms and water fountains are also available in Alario Hall.
Your Legislators want to know your thoughts.
The committee hearing is an opportunity to inform legislators of your position regarding pending legislation or just to observe the legislative process. However, the length of the meeting agenda and the number of people who wish to testify may require the imposition of time limitations. If you are with a group, it is advisable to appoint a spokesperson.
To register support or opposition...
You do not have to speak in committee to register your support or opposition to a bill. Please use the witness cards to indicate your position and whether you would like to testify. Green cards indicate support, red cards opposition, and white cards if you wish to provide unbiased information.
(This information is from the Citizens' Guide to House Committe Meetings)
These Witness Cards are available in the committee room and overflow rooms on the witness tables. Carefully read, fill out, and sign the back of the witness card. Your signature is an oath that you will tell the truth. If you wish to speak, please check the appropriate box on the card. Please return completed cards to the designated staff member or sergeant-at-arms.
Important Note: You must fill out a separate card for each bill you are supporting or opposing.
Your oral and written comments and positions stated on the cards are important and become part of the permanent public record.
(This information is from the Citizens' Guide to House Committe Meetings)